About Us
Power Proof Trading & Contracting is a professionally managed concern catering to the burgeoning demand in the Qatar market for the reliable service and consultancy in the field of concrete and coating .
The construction boom and continuing expansion programmed of the entities have sustained the growth of both the industry as well as the company and today Power Proof Trading & Contracting command a major presence in the highly competitive market. Our clientele includes a large number of constructing companies.
The guiding philosophy behind the existence of the company is to make available to our customer product and services of commendable with strict adherence to time scheduled and technical specifications, at prices that offer better value for money.
The main activity undertaken by the company includes offering total solutions to a host of Concrete Repair , Cracks Injection , Floorings and Coatings , Car Parking Coating , Light Weight Foamed Concrete , Concrete Grinding , All Screed Works , All Waterproofing Works and PVC Waterproofing . Our team offer active consultancy services in the above-mentioned fields.
In order to main exacting quality material that meet all prescribed technical specifications are utilized in the execution of each of our projects.
A highly professional team of engineers and managers complimented by a skilled and experienced labor force ensures that high technical standards are maintained and that time schedules are adhered to in the execution of all our projects.
It is therefore no surprise that's our customers have a high regard for our work.
POWER PROOF TRADING & CONTRACTING is established with creative and quality oriented vision with an aim to render the most efficient and advanced service in various and diversified field of the water sealing service in QATAR and thereby establish itself as one of the most prominent company in the arena water proofing activity with a long lasting impact in QATAR's vast and rapidly growing building construction sector.
POWER PROOF TRADING & CONTRACTING 's philosophy is the reflection of our qualities and effective managing strategy with prime goal to ensure that our esteemed clients will be fully satisfied by our result oriented service in complete water proofing and foam concreting work keeping in mind variable requirement of the work and the client with most appropriate equipments, readily available and reliable raw materials, chemical and above all with the fully qualified and dedicated work force emphasizing to have a lasting business relationship with our clients which will be mutually beneficial and trust worthy.
POWER PROOF TRADING & CONTRACTING works adopted a policy which in focus on three dominant factors i.e.
Quality efficiency & reliability Irrespective of the magnitude and the size of the job Clint's full satisfaction and a profoundly implemented quality oriented job being always our motto, financially dividend is secondary to us.
To achieve this we are ever aware that a skillful and well maintained mentoring of the fieldwork is the most important aspect. Hence our well qualified and technically armed employees are always encouraged to carry out their assignments with sincerity, dedication and with the new and innovate approach towards perfection in quality, technique and time factor.
Our quality control system will constantly monitor the work in the field and time and again will review the strategy taking into consideration of the available suggestion from our staff and the clients as well.